Benign Dictatorship constructs Dams, erodes Democracy (September 2014)
Watch "Benign Dictatorship" at YouTube - Watch/download "Benign Dictatorship" from our server
Achulay: The Hunger Strike for the Himalayas (Draft, September 2011)
Watch "Achulay" at YouTube - Watch/download "Achulay" from our server
Whose Sacred Land? (July 2010)
Watch "Sacred Land" at Current TV - Watch/download "Sacred Land" from our server
Mayel Lyang Sut Lom - Voices from the Hidden Land (February 2009)
Watch "Mayel Lyang" at International Rivers - Watch/download "Mayel Lyang" from our server
The Road to Doomsday (January 2009)
Watch "Doomsday" at International Rivers - Watch/download "Doomsday" from our server
Sikkim urged to vote for river, stop dams (April 29, 2009)
Watch "Stop Dams" at IBN Live - Watch/download "Stop Dams" from our server
Sikkim youth on strike against hydel power projects (August 05, 2007)
Watch "Sikkim Youth" at IBN Live - Watch/download "Sikkim Youth" from our server
Kanchanjunga National Park falls prey to hydel projects (July 23, 2007)
Watch "Prey to Hydel Projects" at IBN Live - Watch/download "Prey to Hydel Projects" from our server
Teesta river project: Heading for disaster? (July 08, 2007)
Watch "Heading for Disaster" at IBN Live - Watch/download "Heading for Disaster" from our server
Channel of weepingsikkim: Seven movies covering the hunger strikes for Dzongu
Warriors for a Cause
"I will die but won't allow the mega power projects in Dzongu" - Dawa Lepcha.
Two Lepcha youths from Dzongu rocked the state of Sikkim and the world with their selfless stand against the hydro projects. Dawa T. Lepcha and Tenzing Lepcha went on hunger strike in the spirit of Gandhian Satyagraha from June 22, 2007 to September 27, 2009.
Chronicles of the campaign - and more - at
Will the Teesta river survive? In order to construct one kilometer of tunnel, approximately 150 tons of dynamite are required. Imagine how much blasting will be done for 30 power projects! Seventy percent of the river to flow underground!
Dzongu in North Sikkim is the holy place for Lepchas spread all over the world. Process has begun for seven mega power projects spanning the length and breadth of this protected area.
Environment Impact Assessment (EIA)
Blatant violations of procedural and environmental norms. Get the distressing facts at our EIA-page.
Much went wrong during design, assessment and construction of Teesta Stage V HEP. For a truly sustainable and adapted development, a different approach is required.
Environment Protection Act (EPA) as well as Forest Conservation Act (FCA) were repeatedly violated by the companies involved. A non-exhaustive listing for Teesta Stage V only (NHPC).
• Statements, appeals and proceedings by ACT
• Scientific papers substantiating ACT's concerns
• Press reports covering disproportionate projects in Sikkim and ACT's struggle for protection
• Photo-Galleries
• Collection of Documentaries
© Affected Citizens of Teesta 2007 - 2023
NGOs supporting ACT: Concerned Lepchas of Sikkim (CLOS) - Sangha of Dzongu (SOD) - Citizens Forum of Sikkim (CFS) - Sikkimese Association for Environment
While all the organizations supporting ACT share the common goal of protecting the environment, individual groups can, and sometimes do, differ in their approaches to specific issues highlighted above. The stand taken by ACT does not necessarily includes of everybody in Sikkim and other parts. If anyone wishes to differ, they are welcomed to put forward their views, comments and disagreements to Everybody is welcome!